Effect of Replacing Dietary Fish Oil with Different Plant Oils on Growth Performance of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus

nader eltawil, Mohammad Ahmad, Talaat Amer, Medhat Seden


This experiment was carried out to study the effect of replacement dietary fish oil by different plant oils on growth performance and feed utilization of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Seven isocaloric diets (4.35 kcal/g diet) containing 30% crude protein, with different sources of dietary oils were used. Treatments were: fish oil, FO; linseed oil, LO, corn oil, CO; soya oil, SO; mixture of 50% linseed oil, 25% corn oil and 25% soya oil, ML; mixture of 50% corn oil, 25% linseed oil and 25% soya oil, MC; and mixture of 50% soya oil, 25% linseed oil and 25% corn oil, MS. Results showed that fish fed diet containing FO or ML were significantly higher (P<0.05) in growth performance values than fish fed on other diets. Survival rate did not differ significantly among treatments. The highest significant (P<0.05) values of feed utilization parameters were obtained with the fish maintained at FO or ML diets. These results suggest that fish oil could be replaced by a mixture of plant oils in Nile tilapia diet without any adversely affect on growth performance or feed efficiency ratio. Moreover, its efficiency economic, available and sharply reduced fish feed cost.


growth performance, Fish oil, plant oil, Nile tilapia

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