Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture, Food Systems and Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria: Policy Implications

Augustine Nduka Eneanya


Food insecurity has become exacerbated as a result of COVID- 19 pandemic in Nigeria. Agriculture, food systems, and food security have faced challenges. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agriculture, food systems, and sustainable food security. The study was carried out in Lagos, using video-phone calls to access respondents from Abuja and Delta State in Nigeria. The study adopted an exploratory qualitative research design.  Data were collected from primary and secondary sources.  Primary sources data were from an in-depth interview of six key informants, while, secondary data were collected from sources, such as extant literature, journal articles, textbooks, the internet, and newspapers. Content-analysis technique was adopted for the collection of the data and analysis. Content-analysis technique was adopted to elicit key concepts, which were edited, sorted, pattern-matched, coded, or categorized into key themes, such as the COVID-19 effect on agriculture, environment, food systems, and sustainable food security. The thematic analysis method was adopted using the conceptual framework of constructed integrated system to analyze, interpret and answer the research question. The results revealed that COVID-19 pandemic impacted the agriculture, food system, and food security in Nigeria. The study concluded that COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the agriculture, food systems and created food insecurity in Nigeria. The study provided an understanding of the effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on agriculture, food systems, and how to sustain food security. It suggested the reform of agricultural policies for sustainable food security in Nigeria.

 Key Words: Agriculture, environment, food systems, food security, and sustainability



Agriculture, environment, food systems, food security, and sustainability

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