The Effects of Utilization of Balanites Aegyptiaca Kernel Meal as Substitute for Super-concentrate in Broiler Chicken Rations on Feed Intake, Live Weight and Carcass Characteristics

Neama Adam Eshag, Jumaaa Barram Jadallah, D.M. Mekki, Mubarak Bala Balsm, M.A. Mohamed Ali


This study was conducted in Elobeid city, North Kordofan State, Sudan with the objective of studying and evaluating the effects of feeding Balanites aegyptiaca kernel meal at different levels on broilers feed intake, growth rates and carcass characteristics. The study used 150 one day old (Ross) chicks where every 10 birds were housed in separate units assigned to three treatments A, B and C with five replicates, on deep litter floor. The chicks were transferred periodically to ensure random housing. Starter and finisher rations were formulated for each treatment. Ration A (control ration) contained 5% super concentrate, while rations B and C contained had 2.5 and 5%  B. aegyptiaca kernel meal respectively as a substitute for the protein super concentrate used in ration A. At the end of the experiment chicks were slaughtered for carcass cuts yield.  The results indicated that feed consumption was significantly (P<0.01) higher in birds on ration A compared to those on rations B and C. Similarly the live weight of chickens was significantly (P<0.01) heaviest in group A than those of group B and C. Dressing percentage, carcass weight and weight of cuts were also significantly (P<0.01) higher for birds on ration A and lowest weight was recorded for those on ration B. Also the abdominal fat was higher for group A without significantly differences compared with group B. The percentage of fat in the body was higher in meat samples obtained from birds on ration C and lower for those on ration B. The study concluded that feeding B. aegyptiaca kernel meal to broiler chicks reduced the rate of live weight gain though increased the proportion of body fat in carcass samples. It was recommended further studies be conducted using lower levels of B. aegyptiaca kernel meal since it is found abundantly, can be obtained at low cost and rich in essential amino acids.


Broiler rations, feed resources, Balanites aegyptiaca meal

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