Traditional Rangeland Management and Utilization Practices of Nuer Pastoralists in Gambella, southwestern Ethiopia

Ketema Tilahun Gelaye, Lisanework Nigatu, Solomon Mengistu


The study was conducted in Nuer pastoral area of Gambella, with the objectives of assessing the traditional rangeland management and utilization practices. The assessment was done using a structured questionnaire, group discussions and visual observations. In the study districts, the pastoral production system included sedentary (26.3%), transhumance (52.6%) and pastoralism (21.1%). For Nuer pastoralists' livestock were the mainstay of life. The purpose of keeping livestock was primarily to get social values and cultural benefits. The most accepted and widely applied traditional methods of rangeland management and utilization practices in the community were communal grazing, grassland burning and seasonal migration. The majority of the respondents (91.2%) reported that flooding escalates their mobility during the rainy season and it has been a threat in their livelihood. In the past 10 to 15 years, the grasslands coverage might be sparse according to the perception of 63% of the respondents. Based on the traditional rangeland condition assessment criteria, half of the respondents stated that the current condition of the grassland being ‘poor’. The Nuer pastoralists expressed their concern about the deterioration of their rangelands and they pointed out and prioritized the potential causes as: over grazing, recurrent drought, increased livestock and human population, erratic and low rainfall and restricted seasonal mobility. This situation has been a threat for the livelihood of the pastoral community in the districts and should be reverted through employing proper grazing systems, rehabilitation and conservation. 


Deterioration, Gambella, livelihood, livestock, Nuer, rangeland

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Abule, E. (2003). Rangeland evaluation in relation to pastoralist’s perceptions in the Mid-Awash rift valley of Ethiopia. Ph.D. Dissertation. The Free State Univer., Bloemfontein, South Africa. Ahmed, B. (2003). Soil condition & vegetation cover in human impacted rangelands of Jijiga, Somali Regional State. M.Sc. Thesis. Alemaya Univer., Ethiopia. Alemayehu, M. (2004). Rangeland Biodiversity: Concepts, Approaches & the way forward. Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Science, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.80p. Amaha, K. (2006). Characterization of rangeland resources & dynamics of the pastoral Production system in the Somali region of Eastern Ethiopia. Ph.D. Thesis. The Free State Univer., Bloemfontein, South Africa. Amsalu, S. (2000). Herbaceous species composition, dry matter production & condition of the major grazing areas in the mid rift valley. M.Sc. Thesis, Alemaya Univer., Ethiopia. Amsalu, S., & Baars, R.M.T. (2002). Grass composition & rangeland condition of the major grazing areas in the mid rift valley, Ethiopia. Afric. J. Range and Forage Science, 9, 161-166. Ayana, A. (1999). Range condition & traditional grazing management in Borana. M.Sc. Thesis. Alemaya Univer., Ethiopia. Ayana, A., and Fekadu, B. (2003). Current range condition in southern Ethiopia in relation to traditional management strategies: The perceptions of Borana pastoralists. Tropical Grasslands, 37(1): 53-59. Belaynesh, D. (2006). Floristic composition & diversity of the vegetation, soil seed bank flora & condition of the rangelands of the Jijiga Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. M.Sc. Thesis. Alemaya Univer., Ethiopia. Beruk, Y., and Tafesse, M. (2000). Pastoralism & agro-pastoralism: Past & present. Pp. 54-65. Proceeding of the 8th Annual Conference of Ethiopia Society of Animal production . Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24-26 August 2000. Bidwell, T.G., & Woods, B. (2000). Management Strategies for Rangeland & Introduced Pasture. Oklahoma State University, Division of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Oklahoma. BLPDP (Borana Lowland Pastoral Development Programme). (2004). Overview of Borana Pastoral Production Livelihood System. Extension-, PRA- and M+E- Concepts Networking & Policy Advocacy. BLPDP, Documentation on 7 years experience, Vol. I. December, 2004. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Coppock, .D.L. (1993).Vegetation & pastoral dynamics in the southern Ethiopia rangelands: Implications for theory and management. Pp. 42-61. In: Behnke, R.H.J., Scoones, I., & Kerven, C. (eds.). Range ecology at disequilibrium. New model of natural variability & pastoral adaptation in African Savanna. Overseas Development Institute, London, UK. Coppock, D.L. (1994).The Borana Plateau of Southern Ethiopia: Synthesis of pastoral research, development & change, 1980-1991. International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.393p. EARO (Ethiopia Agricultural Research Organization). (2000). Dry land Agriculture Research Strategic Planning Document. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 66p. Gemedo, D. T. (2004). Vegetation ecology, rangeland condition & forage resources evaluation in the Borana lowlands, Southern Ethiopia. Ph.D. Dissertation. Georg-Audust-Univer., Gottingerg, Germany. GRS (Gambella Regional State). (2003). Gambella Regional Land-use & Land Allotment Study. Amended Draft Final Report, Vol. II. Yeshi-Ber Consult (YBC). October 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Gulliver, P.H. (1972). The family herds: A study of two pastoral tribes in East Africa, the Fire & Turkana. Pp. 72-89. In: Monod, T. (ed.). Pastoralism in Tropical Africa. Black well Scientific Publications, Oxford. IAR (Institute of Agricultural Research). (1990). Abobo Research Center Progress Report 1988-1989. IAR. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ILCA (International Livestock Center for Africa). (1990). Livestock Research Manual. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2:31-54. Janke, H. E. (1982). Livestock Production Systems & Livestock Development in Tropical Africa. Keilerwissen Schaftesverlag Vauk, Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany. Pp. 121-125. Le Houerou, H.N. (1980). The Role of browse in the Sahelian & Sudanian zones. Pp. 83-100. In: Le Houerou, H.N. (ed.). Browse in Africa. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ndikumana, J., Stuth, J., Kamidi, R., Ossiya, S., Marambii, S., & Hamlett, P. (2001). Coping Mechanisms & their Efficacy in Disaster-Prone Pastoral Systems of the Greater Horn of Africa: Effects of the 1995–97 Drought & the 1997–98 El Niño Rains & the Responses of Pastoralists and Livestock. Nairobi: Int Livestock Res Inst; 2000. Project Report. Nigatu, A., Getachew G., & Adam, D. (2004). Mobility, Herd dynamics & species composition of pastoralists; indigenous innovations towards copping mechanism during crisis. Participatory innovation & research; lessons for livestock development. Pp. 77-86. Proceedings the 12th Annual Conference of Ethiopia Society of Animal production. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-14 August 2004. Oba, G. (2001). Indigenous ecological knowledge of landscape change in East Africa. International Association for Landscape Ecology Bulletin, 19(3): 1-3. PADS (Pastoral Areas Development Study). (2004). Review of the past & present trends of the pastoral areas. Pp. 1-34. Livestock Resources. PADS Report Phase I. Section I, Vol. II, Techniplan, MCE, Agristudio, Addis Ababa and Rome. PFE (Pastoralist Forum Ethiopia). (2001). Poverty Reduction Strategy & Pastoral Development. Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Pastoral Development in Ethiopia. 22-23 May 2001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Pastoralists Forum Ethiopia PFE (Pastoralist Forum Ethiopia). (2004). Pastoralism & sustainable pastoral development. Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Pastoral Development in Ethiopia. 23-24 December 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Pastoralists Forum Ethiopia. Russell, A. (1984). The environment of Ethiopia Rift Valley compared to other areas of Africa. In: Richard Stewart, (ed.). ILCA Bulletin No. 17. ILCA. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sabine, H., & Rischkowsky, B. (2005). Integrating the indigenous knowledge of Borana pastoralists into rangeland management strategies in southern Ethiopia. June 2005. IK Notes 81. Sabine, H., Rischkowsky, B., & Steinbach, J. (2004). Herd mobility leads the way for sustainable pastoral development: The case of Borana rangelands, Southern Ethiopia. International Research on Food, Natural Resource Management &Rural Development. Berlin. 123p. Scoones, I. (1995). New directions in pastoral development in Africa. Pp. 271-280. In: Scoones, I. (ed.). Leaving with Uncertainity: New Directions in Pastoral Development in Africa. London: IIED. Snyman, H.A. (2002). Fire and the dynamics of semi-arid grassland: influence of soil characteristics. Afr. J. Range Forage Sci., 19,137–145. SPSS (Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences). (2003). Cary, North Carolina.

Amsalu, S., & Baars, R.M.T. (2002). Grass composition & rangeland condition of the major grazing areas in the mid rift valley, Ethiopia. Afric. J. Range and Forage Science, 9, 161-166.


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