Isolation and Identification of Pasteurella Species from Lung Lesion of Caprine Slaughtered at Helimex, Bishoftu, Ethiopia

Shimelis Mengistu Hailu, Mitiku Tarekegn, Shiferaw Janberie


A cross-sectional study was conducted from October, to 2013 to April 2014 with the aim of isolating and identifying pasteurella species in lung lesion (pneumonic lung) of apparently healthy goat slaughtered at Hasin Nuru Export Abattoir. All goats were originated from Bale and Harar area. Samples were collected aseptically from the lung lesion of 384 investigated Goat and standard microbiological techniques were used for isolation and identification of pasteurella species. From the 384 specimen collected for bacteriological examination, 301 were positive for   pasteurella species. A total 301 pasteurella species recovered in which 274 and 27 of them were Manehemia hemolytica and Pasteurella multocida, respectively. The isolation rates of Manehemia hemolytica was 74.4% and Pasteurella multocida was 7%. Therefore, the major pasteurella species isolated from lung lesion of caprine in this study was Manehemia hemolytica and, Pasteutella multocida was the minor isolates. In conclusion pasteurella organism especially Manemia hemolytica is one of the most cause of pneumonic pasteurellosis in caprine and rarely Pasteurela multocida so Chemoprophylaxis need to be given to small ruminants prior to transportation or other stresses.


Caprine, Pneumonic lung, Manehemia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida

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